How to book?

No guarantees - No payroll - Secure payment

1. Find your accommodation

Filter and select as you like: by city, neighborhood, dates you are interested in, by type of accommodation, by number of people who want to stay together. You will see a list of all available accommodations and where they are located on the map. Check the photos, see the location, public transport and services. You already have all the information to decide!

2. Online booking

You have already seen the accommodation you would like to book. Bingo. Now is the time to register at Create your account and you can make your reservation. Your rental application will be blocked. BCU Housing is there to facilitate communication between the owner and you, as a future tenant.

3. Confirmation

You will receive the email to complete your registration in two business days. For the reservation to be firm you must complete all the fields of information that identifies you and ensure that the reservation is in your name and includes your ID or passport, your contact details, upload a copy of your university registration, the digital signature of the contract and the terms and conditions.

4. Welcome

You already have accommodation! And we are going to prepare to receive you. Fifteen days before your arrival we will contact you to organize the last details, check-in and delivery of the keys.